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Home In His Arms (Wildwood Mates Book 1) Page 6

  He opened the door and they entered the dark building. They walked through one room, and then came to another door. He opened it up, and as he entered, Ronin came up right behind him.

  “Stop it!” They heard the whimpering pleas of a woman. Nix stepped in first.

  “Get your fuckin’ hands off her.” Nix’s voice turned more animal than human at what they saw.

  Ronin could smell the fear that the female omega was emitting. Nix grabbed onto the alpha’s shoulders and pulled him off her, throwing him like he was no more than a rag doll.

  He then grabbed a blanket that had fallen to the ground and handed it to the woman. It was filthy, but the omega was naked.

  Ronin kept one eye on the door to make sure they had no unwelcome surprises. When he glanced in the direction of the alpha Nix had thrown off the woman, he saw him pull a knife from his pocket.

  He started to go after Nix, who was still trying to soothe the distraught omega and convince her she was safe.

  Ro didn’t even give the asshole a warning. He’d withdrew his pistol with the silencer and aimed at the alpha and pulled his trigger, landing a shot center mass. The asshole fell back, and his knife landed beside him.

  The woman’s eyes showed shock, and Nix turned to Ronin, his eyes wide. “Holy fuck.”

  Ronin shrugged. “He had it coming.”

  He took a deep breath and nodded slightly. “Take her to Maddox and meet me back here.”

  The woman grabbed her clothes while holding on to the blanket to keep herself covered.

  Ronin gave her what he thought was a reassuring smile, but she looked away quickly and walked out of the room, although she looked back to see if Nix was still with her.

  Three down. At this point, every other alpha he saw that wasn’t his team was an obstacle keeping him away from his mate.

  Chapter Seven


  Oliver shot a look at Shawn and Jax. It was just the three of them in there. Both Marco and Sophie had been dragged out by Anton, and they didn’t know where they were, which made the silence outside the door even louder.

  Even though he was worried about himself, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and a voice in his head that kept repeating over and over, You’re about to be rescued.

  The door opened, and this time it wasn’t Anton standing there. Instead, it was the man he had seen outside earlier. His eyes roamed around the room until they landed on Ollie. The moment their eyes met, warmth spread through his body down to his bones.

  Shawn and Jax cowered against the wall, but Oliver felt no fear… he only felt peace.

  “Hello,” the man said. His voice was deep, but soothing. It washed over Ollie, calming him. He’d lived in constant fear from the moment he’d woken up in this hellhole, but just looking in the man’s eyes, he felt safe.

  Oliver might be new to the whole alpha/omega thing, but he could tell that the man was an alpha, and when he looked at Ollie, it was like finally everything came into focus.

  “My name is Ronin and I’m here to help.” He holstered his pistol and moved his rifle to his back. “There’s no need to be scared.”

  Shawn and Jax breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn’t move from where they were huddled.

  “Where’s Anton?” Oliver couldn’t help asking.

  “He can’t hurt you anymore, trust me.” Ronin held out an arm in Ollie’s direction. “Come with me. Let’s get you guys out of here. ”

  Another man stepped into the room, and Ronin motioned to him. “This is Nix. You can also trust him.”

  The guys didn’t move. “Why should we go anywhere with you?” Shawn asked, his chin set defiantly. “How do we know we can trust you?”

  “Cybil is safe. We found her yesterday, and we’ve got Sophie and Marco. They’re all safe, and we mean you guys no harm.” Ronin said all this with his eyes on Ollie.

  Those words seemed to get his friends moving. Shawn rushed over, helping Jax to stand and supporting him as the two walked in front, close to the bigger man. Even though the omegas walked in a cluster with an alpha in front and at the back, Ollie stayed toward the back to be close to Ronin.

  They walked past a room with a bed, and when Oliver looked down, he saw a dead body was on the floor in the middle of the room.

  Ollie looked up to find Ronin watching him, concern on his face. It’s okay. Just follow me. Oliver could hear his thoughts, and he knew it was coming from the alpha’s mind because the man hadn’t spoken.

  Shawn, however, stopped, his eyes widening. “Is he… he’s dead, isn’t he? Who are you? How do you know about us?” He looked down at the dead man in the room, then back up to Ronin. “And who the hell is that?” His voice seemed to get louder with each word.

  Jax and Shawn were huddled closely, and not just because Jax was still recovering. “What’s going on? We don’t know you. Why should we trust you?”

  Oliver met Jax and Shawn’s gaze. “What do we have to lose?” Ollie said. “Anton kept us here against our will. This man is here to free us. Right?”

  Oliver turned to Ronin, and he smiled and nodded.

  He didn’t know why, but he trusted Ronin, and that was the best way to explain it.

  Ronin smiled at Ollie, but then he glanced up, meeting Marco’s gaze. “That’s a good question. Would it help if I told you Devon is my new brother-in-law? He and my twin brother mated, and he told us you were being held by Anton.”

  “Devon,” Jax whispered. “Devon is alive?” His friend’s voice caught. “Devon made it out, and he didn’t forget us.”

  Jax was all out crying now, and so was Shawn. Shawn, who had always put on a brave front, burst into tears.

  “He didn’t forget you, and you can see him if you just come with us,” Ronin said. The alpha made sure to hold their gaze

  Ollie’s mouth hung open when he heard how the alphas had found them. He couldn’t believe that not only had Devon gotten away, but he had found a mate. He was safe.

  Ollie couldn’t help thinking back to the lessons given to him by Jax a few weeks ago about fated mates. As he tried to think about what he’d said, he could remember Jax’s voice telling him, “Your body and wolf will be inexplicably drawn to the person.” He already felt connected with Ronin. “You will want to be close to them as much as possible.” He had only just met Ronin, but Ollie couldn’t seem to pull himself away from the alpha.

  He might not know everything about what being mated meant, but he had the distinct feeling that Ronin could wind up being his mate.

  His wolf nodded in agreement.

  “Devon?” Jax whispered the other omega’s name again.

  “That’s right.” Ronin nodded. “You can trust us. We’re here to take care of you all.” His gaze held Ollie’s as he said that last part.

  At those words, both Shawn and Jax finally seemed to unclench as Ollie watched the tension draining out of their bodies. Ronin and Nix led them out of the warehouse, and once they were outside, they saw Anton. He was sitting against the tree, his arms bound.

  When he saw Ollie, Jax, and Shawn, the scowl he had on his face deepened and he spat at them. “You aren’t going to get far. You can’t get away from me.”

  Ollie watched as Jax and Shawn seemed to shrink and hide behind the big alpha… Nix, he thought his name was.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Another alpha barked. He used the butt of his gun to smack Anton across the face, making Anton’s scowl deepen more if that was even possible. His eyes on the alpha standing over him brimmed with hatred, but he kept his mouth shut.

  “And that’s Maddox. You can trust him too,” Ronin said, introducing the alpha who looked like he wanted to take a chunk out of Anton.

  “If you follow Nix and Maddox, they’ll take you to the vehicles while I handle this situation.”

  Ollie frowned. He didn’t want to go anywhere without Ronin. The alpha must have sensed his hesitation because he stepped closer to Ollie, and the omega’s body automatically moved, closing
the space between them.

  “I trust Maddox and Nix with my life. I promise they’ll keep you safe, and I’ll be right behind in a moment.”

  Ollie nodded, albeit reluctantly, but he also wanted Ronin to make sure Anton got what he deserved.

  Oliver felt like he could already trust Ronin to keep his word, like he already had a sense of who the alpha was.

  “What about Sophie, Marco, and Cybil?” Ollie asked.

  “You will find them safe and sound with Zander,” Ronin reassured him

  Shawn let out a relieved breath. “Best news ever.”

  “I thought for sure they were…” Jax’s words fell off, but everyone knew what he was about to say. It was what was heavy on all their hearts.

  “They’re fine, and I’m sure they are just as worried about you as you are about them.” Ronin smiled reassuringly at Jax, but his eyes returned to Ollie’s quickly.

  “I’ll be there before you even get a chance to miss me.” Ronin’s voice was low as he said those words to him.

  Ollie simply nodded, feeling too befuddled to speak.

  “You sure you don’t need a hand?” The alpha, Nix, asked Ronin. His eyes glancing at Anton.

  “Nah, I’m good. I can handle him,” Ronin said.

  Nix tilted his head and seemed to study Ronin. It looked like they were having some sort of silent conversation, Nix looking like he was unsure if he should leave Ronin. Ronin gave Nix a small nod, which Nix acknowledged.

  “Come on,” Nix said. “It’s not too far from here.”

  Jax, Shawn, Ollie, and Nix began walking, but Nix couldn’t help glancing back until he could no longer see Ronin.

  Maddox followed behind them, while Nix led them in front, escorting them through some woods. It was his first time getting a good look outside where he’d been kept since Anton had drugged him to bring him there, although it was too dark to actually make much out except a bunch of buildings scattered around.

  “He’ll be fine.” Ollie heard Maddox say when he no longer had eyes on Ronin. He wasn’t sure what the alpha had seen on his face, but clearly it was enough for the man to feel the need to reassure him.

  They walked for about a mile, Nix having to pick Jax up before they reached the van. Once Nix led them to the other side of the vehicle, Ollie saw that the door was open, and Marco, Cybil, and Sophie had blankets wrapped around them and were sitting on sleeping bags around a makeshift campfire that was between the van and a truck.

  When Cybil, Marco, and Sophie saw them, they jumped up and ran towards them.

  Ollie wasn’t the only one in tears as they hugged each other. As much as they’d been planning to find a way out, none of them had figured out how to do it. But now they were safe.

  “Okay, guys,” another alpha, Zander he assumed, clapped his hands. “Who wants hot cocoa?”

  Ollie chuckled and wiped his eyes—hot cocoa... When was the last time he’d had that?

  “I do.” Ollie’s hand went up.

  “Me too,” Shawn chimed in.

  “I wouldn’t mind some, please.” Jax’s voice was lower than theirs.

  “How about we introduce ourselves while I make the cocoa.” Zander smiled at them. He was built on the tall and broad side, but Ollie still didn’t fear him.

  His friends went around introducing themselves, as did he, and even though he knew there were these strong alphas watching him, Ollie couldn’t rest until Ronin joined them.

  Chapter Eight


  Ronin waited till his mate was far enough away before turning back to face Anton. The other alpha’s face still held a scowl.

  “What are you going to do with me? Kill me?” Anton asked.

  Ronin shrugged. “Killing you would be too easy,” he said. “Is that what you want? To die and take your sins with you?” Ronin knelt down in front of him. “Or should I torture you and watch you pay, just like you did with the omegas? How sweet would that be?” He snickered and watched as Anton’s eyes widened.

  He was enjoying watching the man’s fear.

  “Whatever you’re going to do, just do it and get it over with.” Anton tried to act brave, but Ronin could smell his fear.

  “You may not know this about me, but I really only kill when I feel threatened, and I’m not threatened by you.” Ronin shrugged again.

  “You aren’t?” It was Anton’s turn to laugh. “You should be.”

  “Well, there’s no need to be threatened when you’re going to scurry off like the rodent that you are. You won’t go after any more omegas. You will disappear into the ether where you belong.” Ronin got right in Anton’s face. Goddess he wanted to kill the man. He pulled his knife out of its holster and dragged it down, from Anton’s eye to his jaw. “If I have to come back here because you’re back to your old ways, I won’t give you a chance to wander off into the sunset like none of this happened.”

  “Weak?” Anton taunted. “Can’t kill me, can ya?”

  Ronin rolled his eyes

  “It would be so easy to kill you.” Ronin chuckled.

  Anton didn’t reply, simply locked eyes with him.

  “Think of this as a second chance because it’s only a weak man that goes after someone weaker or unable to defend themselves. So you will walk away. I think you want to live, and I am giving you that chance. But rest assured, I have my eyes on you.”

  Anton smirked, and Ronin put the knife under his chin, lifting his gaze up to his. “Don’t make me come back, huh, because next time, I will kill you if I ever hear that you put hands on another omega without their permission.” Ronin tutted. “One chance, and only one chance. If you have a death wish, please try me, and I will enjoy taking you apart, bit by bit And trust me, I won’t lose sleep. Got it?”

  Anton nodded reluctantly, his eyes locked on Ronin’s and filled with hatred.

  “Need you to say the words.” Ronin spoke like he was talking to a toddler.

  Ronin hated the code his father had raised them by—the only time he hadn’t used it was when killing for his country—but his father believed you only killed to defend yourself and never killed an unarmed man.

  Anton didn’t speak, so Ronin simply dug the knife deeper into Anton’s skin, smiling nonchalantly like he had all day.

  “You bastard,” Anton bit out.

  “I will kill you and enjoy it, and all you’ll be is rotten carcass to be picked clean by vultures. Do you hear me?”

  Anton nodded. “Fine. I hear you. I will never go after another omega.” Each word was gritted out through clenched teeth.

  “Let the little scar on your face be a reminder.” Ronin pulled his knife away and wiped the blood on Anton’s pants.

  Ronin finally stood and looked down at Anton. “I’m sure you can find a way to get out of those zip ties. Oh, and there’s a dead alpha in the warehouse. Might want to get rid of him too.”

  Ronin kinda hoped Anton attacked. He really wanted to kill the bastard. Instead, he used the butt of his pistol to knock the fucker out before he could make a move.

  One thing was certain, he would make sure they had someone keeping tabs on Anton because he hadn’t lied. He would hunt down Anton and put him down like a rabid dog if he ever harmed another omega.

  Ronin wasn’t hopeful that Anton would keep his word, but his father’s words in his head stopped him from slicing the bastard’s throat open and watching him choke on his blood. With Anton sprawled out on the ground, Ronin began making his way back towards the van… towards his mate.

  Maddox was the first person to see him as he approached.

  “Hey, man. What’s up? Where’s Anton?” Maddox looked behind him for the other alpha, a frown forming on his face.

  “He’s back there.” Ronin motioned with his head towards the general area he’d just come from.

  “Just answer me this… did you kill him?” Maddox asked.

  “No… but I really wanted to.”

  His friend nodded, understanding in his eyes. They were all
aware of his code and had even adopted it to some extent—although Maddox had more exceptions.

  Ronin took a deep breath before rounding the van to the spot where the camp was set up. He looked at the omegas sitting on sleeping bags, appearing much better than when he’d first laid eyes on them, though it seemed like a few of them were missing, and so was Zander.

  Ronin was glad. He wanted them comfortable and to remember that the world still had some good left in it.

  Ronin and Maddox walked towards the omegas, and he patted Nix on the back as he came up and stood beside him.

  “I know it’s nothing fancy, but you will be safe here. We’re going to take turns making sure to watch over you as you sleep,” Ronin tried to reassure the omegas.

  “How long are we going to be staying here for?” An omega with strawberry-blond hair and chocolate brown eyes asked.

  “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” Ronin made sure to smile so he didn’t look threatening.

  The omega glanced at the man beside him before looking back at Ronin. He swallowed for a moment before speaking.

  “I’m… My name is Shawn.” He finally managed to get out.

  “Nice to meet you, Shawn. I’m Ronin, in case you forgot, or I didn’t say”—he chuckled lightly—“…and to answer your question, we should be back on the road in the morning. So just overnight.” He glanced over at Maddox for confirmation, and his friend nodded.

  “Yes, we will be on the road in the morning,” Ronin shared. “All of you will be coming with us to my family pack, and from there, we will figure out who we need to contact so they know you’re safe and to come get you.”

  Ronin looked around the camp, and his eyes fell on Zander, Cybil, and the injured omega from earlier as they were making their way back to camp.

  “Everyone okay?” Ronin directed his question at Zander.

  “Bathroom run,” Zander said. But he nodded at Ro letting him know they were fine.

  Cybil helped the omega with the bruises down to the empty sleeping bag beside his mate, and Ro finally let his eyes fall on Oliver.