Home In His Arms (Wildwood Mates Book 1) Page 16
Ronin crept along the path, thankful for both the cover of darkness and his training.
He made sure to approach quietly until he came upon a shack—a nice word for the rotted structure. Ronin paused and concentrated, looking around for where to go.
“Come on, baby. Where are you...” Ronin whispered.
He moved deeper into the woods, carefully making sure that the leaves didn’t crunch under his feet. It was dark out, but Ro could see with his enhanced vision. When he rounded a corner, he heard voices. Or, at least, a voice.
“I have a meeting with Luther soon,” Anton’s unmistakable voice said. “It won’t be long now for you.”
Ronin stepped behind a small group of trees and peered between the trunks. Oliver sat on the ground, and from what he could see, there was a large bump on his forehead, but other than that, he physically looked fine. I’m here, Ollie. You’re going to be just fine.
As he thought the words, he saw Ollie’s head tilt to the side, but his mate thankfully didn’t look in his direction.
“You’re leaving?” Oliver asked Anton. “How long will you be gone?”
“You don’t get to ask questions. Understood?” Anton snapped.
Oliver nodded. “I was just curious.”
Ronin considered his options. He had to be smart because he didn’t want to put his mate in any danger.
Plus, he couldn’t help wondering who the fuck Luther was.
Ronin waited until Anton disappeared from where Ollie was. Okay, babe. Time to get you out of here.
Ollie glanced over to where Ronin stood. I knew you would come. I just knew it.
Always, love. Although let’s not make you getting kidnapped a habit.
Ollie chuckled, and he heard the sound like his mate was beside him.
Ronin listened and paused his breathing for a moment to let the sounds of the woods overwhelm him. That’s when he heard it. It was faint, but it was the sound he was waiting for. Anton had clearly never learned stealth. Thankfully, Anton was heading in the opposite direction from where Ronin had parked. Ronin walked towards Ollie and cut his mate loose, then helped him to his feet. He kissed Ollie, pouring all the relief and love he felt into it.
“Wait here for me. If I’m not black in ten minutes, head that way.” Ronin pointed the way he came and placed his car keys in Ollie’s hands.
“No, Ro. I won’t leave you.” Ollie whispered the words into his chest.
“I promise I’ll come home to you. To both of you.” His hands tightened around Ollie for a moment before he stepped back.
“Ten minutes, baby, and hide behind those trees.” Ronin pointed to where he’d been watching Ollie from.
Ollie’s worry was at the back of his mind, but he put it away and focused.
He made his way towards Anton, making sure to stay out of sight and waiting. Anton kept glancing at his watch, and Ronin realized he must be waiting for someone.
It didn’t take long before a car drove up. Ronin wondered if maybe he should have left with Oliver, but Anton had proven he wasn’t able to stay away, and Ronin wasn’t going to let Anton take another shot at his mate.
Ronin stood back and watched as a man got out of the car. As he walked over to Anton, Ronin saw him shrink into himself. Not that he could blame the bastard. The alpha was twice the size of Anton and had muscles that went on for days.
There was also a smug look on the newly arrived alpha’s face, and when he turned, Ronin saw he had a puckered scar running down his cheek.
Ronin didn’t take his eyes off of either of them, keeping them in his line of fire as the man approached Anton.
“So, where is he?” the other alpha asked.
“He’s waiting for you, Luther, and I have brought you the best of the best. He’s a sweet omega that will have you thanking me for years to come.”
Now Ronin knew this was Luther.
Luther laughed haughtily. “I doubt that, but I’d like to see him first. Make sure you're not overselling me. I am a man who prefers to take the car on a test drive before I buy.”
Ronin rolled his eyes in disgust.
“I want the rest of my money, then you can have him.”
Luther snorted. “Nice try. I get my way with him, and then I’ll consider paying you.”
Anton frowned. “That’s not what we agreed on.”
Luther put his hands up and shoved Anton, nearly knocking him to the ground. “You have made me wait long enough, and I shouldn’t even have to pay you for that reason alone.” Luther pulled out a gun. “So, get him now, or I will kill you and take him anyway.”
Anton’s eyes widened. “Oh… okay. Yes, of course. Understood.” The coward’s voice shook.
Anton was afraid of this alpha. There was no doubt about that. “I’m going,” Anton said as he turned to head back through the woods.
“That’s better,” Luther replied.
Ronin hurried back to where he’d left Ollie. He hoped his mate had listened to his instruction and left already.
When Anton got back and started frantically looking around for Oliver, Ronin stepped out and pointed his gun at the man.
“I thought I told you to stay away, Anton.” Ronin shook his head in mock disappointment. “You really should have listened.”
“You idiot. Do you actually think I’m scared of you? You couldn’t even kill me the last time, and unlike you, I know Luther won’t hesitate to take the shot.”
“Maybe I should leave you to him then. I wonder what will happen when you go back empty handed.”
Anton pulled his gun and pointed it at him, and Ronin shrugged. “I hope you're quick with that because I promise you I don’t miss.”
He kept the gun aimed at Anton’s forehead.
Anton shook his head. “You’ve tried my patience. Why don’t I just kill you now and still deliver your mate to Luther. If you’re lucky, he’ll let your pup live. Or maybe I’ll just cut it out of your Oliver. Or better yet, let him have it and sell it to the highest bidder.”
A gasp was heard that distracted Anton. Ronin had felt Oliver approach, so he didn’t turn in his direction when Anton pointed the gun at his mate and told him to show himself.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” Anton taunted Oliver.
Ronin was done playing. There was no way he was putting his family in danger, so he squeezed the trigger and fired twice. The bullets hit Anton center mass, and he dropped to the ground in a heap.
Ronin hurried over to Ollie. “I thought I told you to go.”
They hugged as Ollie told him, “I couldn’t bring myself to leave without you.”
“I love you”—Ronin kissed his mate—“but you deserve a spanking for putting yourself and our little guy in danger.”
“Girl,” Ollie insisted.
They’d been going back and forth on this for days, but right now Ronin didn’t even have it in him to argue. His family was safe.
“There’s just one more thing we need to take care of,” Ronin said.
“What’s that?” Ollie asked.
Ronin grabbed his hand and pulled Ollie after him. “Come on!”
As they ran back to where Luther was, Ronin gave one instruction to his mate mentally—Shift.
Luther didn’t know what hit him when Ronin jumped out of the woods and flew straight at his neck, knocking him to the ground and tearing his throat out. Ollie had latched on to a leg, and then got out of the way when he saw Luther falling.
The alpha didn’t have a chance to shift, and he hit the ground, clutching at his throat. He gurgled once, then twice, before his arms fell to his sides, staring up at nothing with glazed eyes and a final look of shock.
Ronin got off the dead alpha and told his mate what direction to run in. He loved running with his mate, seeing Ollie more confident in his shift, watching him enjoy the freedom his wolf brought. Ronin couldn’t imagine life without his wolf, who was as much a part of him as his eyes or his nose.
They shifted back w
hen Ronin’s car was in sight, and Ollie rushed into his arms, both of them naked. Ronin kissed his mate, finally at peace knowing Ollie was definitely safe.
“What are we going to do with the bodies?” Oliver asked as he broke their kiss and they stood there together.
Ronin shrugged. “Let the wolves get them.”
Ollie snickered and rested his head on Ronin’s chest. “I love you.”
“And I love you.”
They were going to be fine, and Ronin would be forever grateful that he had found Ollie.
“Looks like we missed the party.” Ronin looked up and saw his teammates there, fully armed.
How the fuck had he missed that.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Almost a week later and Oliver felt that things were finally starting to normalize, which mostly meant Ronin wasn’t by his side every moment of the day, and his in-laws weren’t dropping in every hour to check on him.
Apparently, security measures would be implemented for the family now, and the pack as a whole. Rick was furious that Anton had been able to get him out, sight unseen. But Ollie was fine, and weirdly, the nightmares had stopped. Apparently, Devon was sleeping through the night better too.
Now it was time to focus on their future and put Anton behind them—where he belonged. Anton was dead and gone and wouldn’t hurt another omega, and Oliver was now safe and happy. Most of that had to do with his mate.
“Are you nervous?” Ronin asked him.
Ollie laughed. “What do I have to be nervous about? We’ve known that I’m pregnant with our pup. This is simply a find-out-I’m-right-and-it’s-a-girl day.”
Ronin smiled at him and he nodded. “You’re right.” He placed a hand on Ollie’s stomach that had started showing a lot more the last few days. “I can’t wait to meet our little one.”
Ollie grinned at his mate. “What makes it even more special is the fact that our baby will be pretty close in age with Rome and Dev’s. It’s not twins, but it’s pretty close.”
“I know, right.” Ronin voice was happy as he spoke. “They’ll be best friends like Rome and I are.”
“Did you know that our kid and Roman’s will really be more like half siblings instead of first cousins? Because since you guys are twins, you have the same DNA.” Ollie told his mate.
“I see someone has been googling.” Ronin chuckled, and he pecked Ollie on his cheek before adding, “And that is actually pretty cool.”
“We’re going to go see Devon and Roman after, right?” Ollie confirmed. “Devon is so close to giving birth that he’s not really leaving the house, so I haven’t seen him in a while.”
“I know Roman is being super overprotective.” Ronin's voice was teasing.
“I think that’s the pot calling the kettle black, mister.” He elbowed his mate in his side.
“Ouch,” Ronin cried out and held his side dramatically.
“Oh, don’t whine brother,” Ryder teased as he walked into the room.
“Bite me.” Ronin stuck his tongue out his brother, and Ollie snorted. He loved watching the dynamic between Ronin and all his brothers.
“Very mature, babe.” He couldn’t help teasing his mate.
Ronin smiled and looked down at him. “I’ll show you mature later.”
Ollie body responded to Ronin’s words as it always did.
“None of that here, you two. We are here to see your little one, not fill my room with pheromones.” Ryder rolled his eyes at them.
“I love how the family is only going to get bigger.” Ollie sighed happily.
“Our family is going to get bigger and better.” Ronin added. He leaned down and kissed his mate, and Ryder sighed and cleared his throat. “I’m still here, guys.”
They parted from the kiss and laughed at the look on Ryder’s face.
“I have a feeling y’all are going to be back here soon after this little one comes along with another on the way,” Ryder said as he took his seat on the stool close to the ultrasound machine. He met both their gazes, and asked, “Are you ready?”
Ronin beamed at his brother, then took Ollie’s hand in his. “More ready than you can imagine.”
Oliver smiled up at his mate. “So, what are we having?”
Ryder spread the gel on his belly, and then used the wand to rub it all around. Ollie watched the screen, but it made no sense to him, although he could see his baby's features clearer now.
“Well, whoever was betting on a little girl wins,” Ryder said, looking form the screen to his brother and Ollie.
He squealed, “I was right.”
Ronin’s hand squeezed his tighter. “A little girl.” Ronin's voice was choked up.
“Thank you, Ry.” Ollie smiled at his brother-in-law.
Ryder nodded. “It’s my pleasure. I love that there’s baby news all around.”
Ollie raised a brow curiously. “Oh yeah? I know that Roman and Devon are about to pop their little one out any day, but who else is expecting?”
Ryder just shrugged. “I think I’ll leave that up to the party to tell you themselves.”
Ronin's voice was just as curious. “Then it is someone we know?”
Ryder nodded. “And that’s all I’ll say.”
Ronin helped him get cleaned and to his feet, then asked Ryder, “Are you going over to Rome’s? I hear that everyone is going to be there. It’s sort of a last ‘hurrah’ before two become three.”
“I have a few more patients to meet with today, but I plan on being over there later.” Ryder shook Ronin’s hand, pulling him into a one-armed hug. He hugged Ollie, too, before they left the room.
“See you later.”
They walked hand in hand outside until Ronin helped him into the passenger seat. “Can you imagine… we’ll soon be parents to a little girl.”
“Thank you,” Ronin whispered, before placing a kiss on his lips. “I can’t remember ever being this happy, and I know it’s because of you and our little girl.” His voice was awe filled as he said it.
“I love you too,” Ollie cupped Ronin’s cheek. “Come on. Let’s go meet up with the family,” Ollie said. “We can share our exciting news with them.”
Ronin nodded and shut the door for Oliver. When Ronin got into the car, he reached over and grabbed onto Ollie’s hand, and that was the way they drove to Roman and Devon’s place.
When they pulled up in front of the house, they saw it was already packed. “I think everyone really is here, although I’m not surprised. It is a momentous celebration to welcome the next Wildwood generation.”
Ollie grinned and nodded. “Soon, this celebration will be for us.”
Ronin nodded. “You bet it will.”
They got out of the car and headed up to the front door, but before they could even knock, the door swung open with Roman on the other side grinning widely and welcoming them into the house.
Ronin hugged his brother, then Oliver did the same, and when Rome stepped back, he motioned for them to follow him down the hallway to the living room. It was packed and overflowing into their backyard. Devon was not hard to find, with him sitting in the middle of the couch. He started to get up, but Ronin quickly stopped him. “Hold it right there… you’re about ready to pop. You should not be doing anything strenuous, and it looks like standing falls into that category right now.”
Devon laughed and slowly lowered himself back into his seated position. Ollie looked at his stomach, and he instinctively touched his. He couldn’t imagine his stomach stretching as Devon’s had.
“How do you feel, Dev?” Ollie asked.
His brother-in-law and friend laughed. “Like I’m as big as a house.” The whole room chuckled at that, then he continued. “But honestly, I’m feeling pretty good, and I’m absolutely looking forward to bringing this pup into the world. I can't wait to meet them.”
Unlike him and Ro, Dev and Roman had opted not to find out the sex.
“Have you thought of names?” Ronin’s papa
asked from beside Devon.
“We have, actually.” Roman was the one to speak up. “If it’s a girl, we’re looking at Rochelle. If it’s a boy, we’re looking at Roderick.”
“It appears you’re sticking with the R names.” Ronin laughed as he sat down on the chair and pulled Ollie back so he would sit on his lap.
“If it ain't broke and all.” Roman shrugged
“I hear ya,” his mate said. Ronin’s hand immediately started rubbing circles on Ollie’s stomach, who placed his hand on top of Ro’s and linked their fingers.
“I just love babies,” Sophie chimed in. “You two are going to make great parents.”
“Thank you,” Devon replied, a contented look on his face.
“Are you scared?” Jax’s voice was low, but it had all eyes going to him. Ollie studied his friend, and he noticed that Jax’s hands were fidgeting on his lap. He knew how much Jax was struggling with how he felt being pregnant.
Devon spoke, drawing everyone's eyes away from Jax, and Ollie saw his friend relax. “I don’t know. I guess maybe a little... but I know that having Roman by my side makes it a little less scary.” Dev’s eyes went to Roman and he smiled. “When I panic sometimes, he reminds me that I'm not alone.”
Ollie turned his attention back to Jax, and he could see how much Devon’s words affected him. He knew Devon was not being mean, but Jax was about to have a baby all alone. Ollie wanted to go over and console his friend, but he also didn't want to draw any more attention to Jax. Ronin must have read his mind because he spoke up.
“Well, Ollie and I have some news to share.” Ollie burrowed into Ronin, and he couldn't help smiling since he already knew what was coming.
“Ollie and I just got the news that we’re having a little girl!”
“Oh my… That’s amazing! Now I wish we had found out.” Devon pouted.
Declan spoke up. “I don't think you have to worry about that. You’ll be meeting your little one very soon.” He clapped his hands excitedly, his eyes falling on Ollie and Ro. “Either way, I will have two little grandkids running around Wildwood.”
Ollie's eyes were on Jax, and he saw something that had him all the way intrigued. His friend’s cheeks had turned a nice shade of tomato, even as his eyes kept wandering towards a certain alpha who’d joined the party not too long ago.