Home In His Arms (Wildwood Mates Book 1) Read online

Page 15

  The alpha went down, and his gun fell out of his hand. Ronin walked around the desk, pistol raised, and kicked the gun from Dr. Katz’s reach.

  “The next time I shoot, it’ll be to kill.”

  “Is that a threat?” The doctor sneered, while his hand tried to stop the bleeding from his shoulder.

  “Not a threat. Simply a promise. If you don’t want to end up in jail, then I advise you to start running. Oops… I don’t think that will be possible.” Ronin laughed and stood up to grab his cuffs, and then locked the doctor to the radiator in his office, and zip tied his legs too. He left the bag of drugs and a tape recorder with the conversation he just had where they could easily be found.

  With his gun in hand, he left the building, the sound of the doctor’s voice following him, hollering curses. Once he got back to his vehicle, he called 911.

  “911. What’s your emergency?” The dispatcher asked.

  “Yeah, I heard gunshots at an abandoned building, and there’s reason to believe there’s been some illegal activity going on inside there. I have the address.” He rattled off the address to the dispatcher.

  “An officer will be out there to check it out,” she said.

  “Thank you!” He disconnected the call before she could ask any other questions and backed out of the parking spot. He needed to get away from there as quickly as he could, mostly because he didn’t want to be held up. Yet, he was glad to know that Dr. Katz wouldn’t be able to operate his illegal pharmacy again. At least that was taken care of. Even though he had a feeling there were more to take his place.

  The closer he got to home, the faster he drove. Ronin couldn’t wait to get back to his mate, even though Ollie would be pissed when he heard Ronin went out on his own without any of the guys as backup.

  A strange sensation wash over him. “Oliver!” he gasped.

  His bond screamed at him to check in with his mate because something was wrong. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed up the cell they’d picked up for Oliver on one of their shopping trips.

  After an agonizing minute, Oliver answered. “Hey, babe.”

  “Are you alright?” Ronin blurted out.

  “Yes. Why? Why wouldn’t I be?” Oliver asked.

  Ronin breathed a sigh of relief and tried to catch his breath. It was overwhelming how scared he’d been. Even during his worst gunfight when he and his team had been pinned down with exfil ten minutes away, he hadn’t been that scared.

  “I don’t know. I just had a feeling, but apparently, the feeling was off.”

  “Apparently so.” Oliver laughed. “Now who’s the worrywart?”

  “I know, I know.” Ronin sighed.

  There was a long pause. “Did you get what you were hoping to find?” Ollie asked.

  Ronin nodded, still trying to steady his breath. “Yeah. I’m really sorry about earlier. You were right. We are partners. I shouldn’t tell you what to do, but I will always do everything in my power to make sure you’re safe.”

  “I know, and I love you for it.” Ollie sighed.

  “I found the doctor that was in charge of those drugs. I shot him.” Ronin wasn’t sure why he said it.

  “Did you kill him?” Oliver didn’t sound horrified, simply curious.

  “No. I didn’t kill him. I called the cops after leaving him on the floor to bleed to death, but I didn’t hit any vital organs or major arteries… at least I tried not to.”

  “But you got him,” Oliver said. “That is amazing news. He won’t be able to get those drugs to anyone else. That’s what matters most. I can’t wait for you to get home.”

  “No, he won’t,” Ronin said. He was relieved talking to Ollie, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was dreadfully wrong. “Hey… are the doors locked?”

  “Huh?” Oliver asked. “I think so… why?”

  Ronin didn’t want to startle him, but the feeling was getting stronger.

  “Just make sure the doors are locked. I think I’m going to call someone to come stay with you.” Ronin said.

  “You don't need to do that. What’s going on? You’re freaking me out a little.” Oliver’s voice shook.

  Ronin’s heart started pounding harder in his chest. “I don’t know. I don’t mean to freak you out, but please… just let me get someone to come stay with you. I’m on my way home.”

  “Okay… but everything is fine. I’ll make sure the doors are safely locked, and I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Oliver disconnected the call and Ronin had a feeling of dread wash over him like it was going to be the last time they ever spoke.

  “You’re being silly,” he told himself. Try telling that to your racing heart.

  He dialed Zander’s number. It rang several times, but no one answered. He then dialed Maddox’s number. That one went straight to voicemail. He didn’t bother with a message. Finally, he dialed up Nix’s number.

  This time, he got an answer right away.


  “Hey, Nix. It’s Ronin. Are you in the middle of anything?”

  “Not really,” Nix said. “What’s up?”

  “Well, I am two hours away from home. Oliver is there alone, and I can’t shake this feeling that something is wrong. He says he’s fine, but I would feel much better if someone was there with him. I know it’s a lot to ask if you’re busy, but will you run over there until I get home.”

  “Sure thing. No problem at all.”

  “Great! Shoot me a message once you’re there,” Ronin said. “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome. Talk soon,” Nix said.

  Ronin hung up, feeling a little better, but still, he would not be one hundred percent until he was home and had Oliver back in his arms.

  Chapter Twenty


  Oliver shook his head, even as smiled at Ronin’s concern. He kind of loved it though. Although now that he thought about it, he remembered the fact that he had felt like he was being watched. It curbed the urge to chuckle, but at least the feeling went away once he stepped back into the house.

  Ollie shook his head. It’s just your imagination, He was almost certain of that, so there was no reason to believe that he needed to be scared.

  Although Ronin’s phone call hadn’t helped.

  His cell pinged indicating a text message, so he reached over and picked it up, certain it was Ronin. He wasn’t wrong.

  Ronin: Nix is going to be right there. Do not open the door unless you know it’s him. I love you!

  Ollie: You’re being ridiculous, but I love that you’re worried. I love you too!

  Oliver chuckled and put his phone down. He leaned back against the couch and smiled to himself. It felt good to be loved, especially by someone like Ronin. As he slowly allowed his eyes to drift shut, he heard a loud crash. His eyes flew open, and he stayed motionless.

  It’s just your imagination. He then heard another crash. Ollie jumped up from the couch. Was it possible that Nix was already there? But he wouldn’t crash into things making all that noise.

  Ollie moved to the front door, but his heart picked up speed as he approached it. Maybe it’s just someone outside. His house was opposite Devon and Roman’s and beside Finn’s, although his was under construction.

  Maybe that was it. Ollie went over to the door and opened it, peeking outside, and that’s when he spotted the objects of the crashes. Two flower pots were broken on the porch, the dirt spilled out everywhere.

  “That’s weird,” Oliver mumbled. He walked over to them and went to bend down to get a closer look when something hit him over the top of the head, and he fell, then everything went black.

  He didn’t know how long he had been out, but the next thing Ollie knew, he was waking up in the middle of the woods. Trees were all around him, and his hands and feet were bound.

  He looked around, but his head didn’t appreciate the movement, and his vision was a bit blurry. Ollie opened and closed his eyes a few times hoping it helped with the fuzzine
ss. He glanced around the open wooded area, but no one was there. Or rather, he couldn’t see anyone. The fact it was dark outside didn’t help, even with his enhanced vision. Although he wasn’t at a hundred percent anyway, probably from the knock on his head.

  “Hello?” he called out. He cleared his throat as his voice sounded a bit groggy. “Hello?” Ollie called again. This time his voice was a little clearer, but no one came to his rescue.

  He moved his arms, and he felt a little give. They were tied behind his back, but not properly.

  He tugged some more on his hands, but whatever held him didn’t loosen. Ollie remembered what Ronin had said about shifting just one part of his body. He hadn’t really been able to yet, but he breathed in deeply and imagined a paw with all his strength. He felt his paw slip free and he pulled the other hand out, freeing himself. Ollie quickly untied his legs and got on his feet. He looked around to see if he knew where he was, but he didn’t, and fuck his head hurt.

  But he had to focus and find his way out of there. He decided to do something he’d never done and think of Ronin, then follow his bond hoping it led him home. Once he did this, he let his body just start walking on instinct. It was a better idea than getting caught there. But as he reached the trees, he heard his voice.

  “I would advise you to stop right there, or I will cut your child out of you.”

  Ollie froze. His hands went around his stomach, and he flinched. He knew that voice... had hoped never to hear it again.

  How the hell did Anton know he was pregnant? Ollie slowly turned around and watched as the man that had haunted his nightmares walked out of the darkness.

  “Smart move,” the asshole said.

  “What are you doing here, Anton?” Oliver couldn’t believe he just asked that. He’d always cowered in this man’s presence. “Just let me go. You didn’t use me before, and you have no need for me now. I am of no use to you.”

  Anton shrugged. “I had a special plan for you, and it was simply delayed.”

  “Special plan?” Ollie’s brow creased. “I’m confused. How can you use me? Why won’t you leave me be?”

  Anton laughed. “Why don’t you sit back down and I’ll tell you.” Even though it was couched as a suggestion, Ollie knew it wasn’t.

  Oliver crossed his arms and stared at Anton, and the alpha shook his head.

  “Don’t test me. I would hate for something to happen to that pup of yours, and I swear to you, it’s not a threat.”

  Oliver moved back to tree he had been tied to. He couldn’t take the chance for his baby, and even though he was more pissed that he was being held against his will, he wasn’t scared. He knew that Ronin would get to him in time. He didn’t know how, but Ollie knew his mate would get here, and that was what mattered most.

  When he sat down, Anton tied his arms behind him again. This time, it was much tighter.

  Anton leaned against a tree and began speaking. “Devon is the reason you’re here right now.”

  Oliver frowned. “I don’t understand. What has that got to do with me?”

  “Well, let me try to explain it so that your little omega brain can comprehend it.” The condescension in Anton’s tone was rife. “Devon was going to be the perfect omega. I had an alpha that was set up for him. Luther was expecting Devon, but he ran off, so I needed a replacement. Luther has a type—hair, eyes, build—and you came with the added bonus of being a virgin. Although that seems to no longer be the case.” He looked down at Oliver’s stomach and shrugged.

  Ollie realized that he did kind of look like Devon, although he had never paid attention to it.

  “You’re newly bred, and I’m hoping the child ends up being an omega.” Anton shrugged. “Either way, I can’t show up without an omega, or it’s my ass. And, well, better yours than mine. You see, I fucked up once, and Luther isn’t one to give third chances, so I had to come and get you back. I had no choice.”

  The way he was rattling on, Oliver could tell that he was scared of Luther. He didn’t think Anton could be scared of anybody. “You’re scared of this alpha?” Ollie chuckled. “Didn’t think the big bad Anton was scared of anyone.”

  Ollie knew he shouldn’t poke the bear, but, well, he couldn’t help himself.

  Anton glared at him, and he could see how much the man wanted to take a swing at him.

  “Nothing. I’m frightened of nothing and no one. Don’t make me remind you how it is you are to address me.”

  “You’re scared of him.” Ollie snorted. His brain told him to shut up, but his mouth seemed to be ignoring it.

  Anton moved closer to him. “Again, if you say that one more time…” He raised his fist like he was going to punch Ollie, but something told him Anton wasn’t going to harm him because he needed him. He could use that to his advantage.

  “Okay. You’re not afraid of him. You just appear to be,” Ollie mock-placated,

  Anton growled at him. “Luther is different from most of the alphas I’ve dealt with. He’s more fierce, and he gets what he wants. If you don’t like it, then you get dead. He wants a brown-haired, brown-eyed, slender omega, and after Devon disappeared, I promised him one that was a virgin, and I intend to deliver...”—Anton shrugged—“...on everything but the virgin part. But, you will play the part if you know what’s good for you, or I will come after your mate and slit his throat while he sleeps. Maybe even track down your parents. You mentioned a little brother. Maybe Luther would like him too.”

  Oliver growled, his wolf close to the surface.

  “Understand.” Anton arched an eyebrow.

  “Understood,” he bit out through gritted teeth.


  Ronin, my love, I’m fine. We’re fine, and we’re waiting on you, babe. But you gotta hurry.

  He didn’t doubt for a moment his mate was on the way.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  A sharp pain tugged at Ronin’s heart. “Ollie!”

  He could feel that his mate was in trouble from the sharp pain that shot through his heart. Ronin looked down at his phone that was lying in the passenger seat. If it was possible to mentally coerce someone to call, Nix would be on the phone right now.

  All Ro wanted to wanted to do was hear Nix say that Ollie was well and resting at the house.

  He came up to a fork in the road. If he took the one left, he would be headed back home. However, if he took the other, then he was going to head further out of town and away from their house.

  It was his wolf and instincts that won out, and he followed the route that seemed to call out his name. The further down the road he got, which led him deeper into the forest, the more confident he became that he was on the right path.

  I’m here, my love. Come find me. He heard Ollie’s voice like a whisper on the wind.

  “I’m coming, babe. Hold on. I’m coming.” Ronin knew his mate could hear him.

  Ronin drove about fifteen more minutes and then received the call from Nix that he’d been waiting for. He pressed the button to answer the phone via Bluetooth, but continued following his instincts that were directing him.


  “He’s not here, Ronin. The door was wide open when I got here, and there are busted flower pots all over the front porch. I have a bad feeling about this.” Nix’s voice told Ronin he was mission-ready.

  “Me too.” Ronin said. “I’m following him… through our bond. It’s leading me away from Wildwood going north.”

  He couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud, but yeah, that was the only way to describe what he was doing.

  “Call it intuition or the fact that Ollie is my mate… but I feel like I know where he is. Gather the guys. If I need you, I’ll call and let you know.”

  He expected questions from Nix about following Ollie via intuition, but his friend merely said, “I’ll track your phone and meet you. Forget about calling. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Reach out to t
he other omegas and make sure they’re all okay. I have the feeling that Anton only went after Ollie, but that could be me just focusing on my mate.” Ronin sighed. “Just make certain that the others are alright. Rick should be able to tell you where they are, although I think Maddox has the info too.”

  “Yes. I know all that. I’ll take care of it, don’t worry. But, Ronin…”

  “Yeah?” Ronin asked.

  “Be careful. You don’t know what you’re walking into.” Nix sighed, and his worry came through loud and clear over the phone. “You’re alone. Make sure you don’t take any unnecessary chances.”

  “He’s my mate, Nix. So that’s not a promise I can make, but I’ll do my best. Call you later.”

  “Right. Bye, bro.” Ro could tell Nix wasn’t pleased with him running in without a plan, but he didn’t care.

  He stepped on the gas pedal, going a little faster than before. He could feel the throbbing in his chest, and it was more urgent now. “I’m coming, Ollie.”

  Ronin was just about ten miles from his home when he got the feeling to take the next left, which brought him to a dead end that led into the middle of the forest separating Wildwood from Sevenbridge, a town that was mostly run by bears.

  Ronin parked the car and decided to go by foot. He got out and geared up for the second time that day. As panicked as he was, there was no way he was going to rush in unarmed.

  Ronin began the trek into the wooded area. The minute he stepped into the woods, he felt sure he was in the right place. It was like a thread pulling him in a certain direction.

  Ro had no idea how the mate bond worked completely, but he wasn’t going to question it, either.

  He was in the right area and ready to find Ollie and Anton.

  He just knew it was that fucker. Goddess, he should have killed the bastard the first time. Fuck the code. Now his mate was in danger.