Home In His Arms (Wildwood Mates Book 1) Page 13
Oliver snickered. “Then what’s the problem?” He batted his eyes at Ronin—or at least he tried to.
“I think your parents and your brother will be upset if they don’t get to see you again. They’re going home today, and I know you want to spend time with them.” He winked at Oliver. “I feel it, in my soul and all.”
Oliver sighed. “You’re right. You’re right. By the way, are you always going to read my feelings?”
“Well, those are the perks of being mated.” Ronin came and leaned over the bed and placed a kiss on his lips.
Ollie sighed happily. “I really like those perks.” There was something about feeling the person you loved beside you at all times, even when they weren’t together.
“Me too, babe. Me too,” Ronin said. “So, we can spend a day with your family, and then when we get home, I’ll take my time tasting every inch of your body, then fucking you, then making love to you all night.” Ronin’s eyes on him were so intense, it felt like fingers on his skin.
Ronin stepped away from the bed, and he couldn’t help smiling. There was something very hot about the fact his mate had to physically move to keep his hands off him.
Ollie got out of bed and went over to Ronin. “I can spend the day with my parents and my brother,” Ollie said, “because afterward I get to stay here with my love and my family.” He cupped Ronin’s cheek. “You’re my family now; you and our maybe baby. You guys are what matter most to me. But when we get home later this evening, then imma be holding you to your promise.” Oliver winked at Ronin, and his mate laughed.
“I expect you to hold me to it.” Ronin placed a kiss on Ollie’s lips and his hands squeezed Ollie’s ass, kneading the globes. “Trust me, you’ll get no argument from me.” They kissed and then parted. “You get the shower first,” Ronin said.
“Or you can join me,” Ollie suggested. He began walking towards the bathroom with an extra swing in his hips.
“You’re evil,” Ronin growled. “Evil.”
“Open invitation...” Ollie giggled and tried to shake his ass. He felt Ronin’s eyes on him as he disappeared into the bathroom.
“Don’t tempt me,” Ronin called out.
Ollie grabbed his toothbrush, but peeked his head out and saw Ronin was sitting on the bed, his phone in his hand.
“Who are you calling?” Oliver asked.
Ronin looked up at him. “I’m going to call Ryder and see if he can shed some light on what we talked about.”
Oliver nodded. “I love you, Ronin.”
“I love you, too, baby,” Ronin said.
Ronin began speaking to Ryder, and Oliver left him to it and went to the bathroom for his shower.
But he stopped to think about what Ronin had said, and he knew he was right. They didn’t have all the answers, and as much as he wished it wasn’t so, he needed them.
The closer it came to telling his parents and Lucas goodbye, the harder it got to say the words. Still, Oliver was excited about what a life with Ronin was going to be like, and he knew the first step was this, leaving his parent’s home—this time the right way. At least this time he didn’t have to wonder if he would be seeing them again.
They finished up lunch, and Oliver looked across the table. “I’m happy now. You know that, right?” Oliver directed that at his mom.
Oliver’s mom nodded. “I can tell, baby. It’s obvious that you are happy where you are. I’m just so glad that Ronin was able to get you out of there, and I just know he will take such good care of you.”
“I will ma’am. I swear it.” Ronin squeezed his hand under the table.
“I know, son. You two seem very happy together.” Oliver’s mom smiled at them.
“We are.” Oliver beamed. He looked over at Ronin and found him grinning back at him. He knew that for the rest of his life he would never get tired of seeing that look in Ronin’s eyes, like he was amazed… amazed by Ollie’s existence. And then he felt it in their bond, this feeling of awe when Ro looked at him. Oliver never believed he’d feel something like that, let alone have it directed at him.
“Then we can go back home in peace,” his dad said. “And know that you will always be welcome home, son. You both will.”
“Thank you, Dad.” Oliver felt something in his heart ease. His family still loved him, even after Ronin had told them all about shifters and answered every question they’d asked. And they hadn’t run screaming! Ollie untwined his fingers from Ronin’s and reached across the table and squeezed both of his parents’ hands. When he let go, they went back to finishing up their meals.
“And Luc will come over for the summer next year.” Ollie’s eyes held his brother’s gaze, and he was rewarded with a thumbs up.
They lingered over dessert until they couldn’t stay any later if his parents wanted to get on the road today. His dad was the first to stand up from the table, and he insisted on paying the bill, calling it a “mating present”—even though he’d taken a shot at Ronin for marrying Ollie without his permission.
Oliver and Ronin walked them out of the restaurant and to their vehicle.
“Don’t be a stranger.” His mom hugged him tightly, and Oliver sank into the warmth of it and also felt tears wanting to escape. He let them. They weren’t sad tears… but he was still a little sad because he would miss his family.
“I won’t, Mom! I promise.” He parted from the hug, then hugged his father. “Goodbye, Dad.”
“It’s not goodbye, son. It’s just bye for now.” His dad wasn’t one to get choked up, so he didn’t shed a tear, but he held Oliver for a moment longer than he usually did.
His dad walked over to the driver’s side and got in the car, and then it was just him and Luc.
“I’m gonna miss you, Ollie.” His little brother kicked the ground and wouldn’t meet his eyes. “You just got back.”
“I know, Luc.” He squatted in front of his little brother even though he wasn’t much taller. “But I’ll see you soon, and we can FaceTime and text every day.”
“My phone doesn’t have FaceTime, remember?” Luc’s shoulders drooped.
“Ro, why don’t you show Luc what we got him.”
That had his brother’s attention, and he finally met Ollie’s eyes. “You got me a present?” His brother’s eyes were wide with excitement.
“We did, and it means you can call or text me anytime you want,” Ollie said.
“You got me a phone?” Luc’s voice was filled with excitement.
“I asked mom and dad, and they said you gotta keep your grades up and do your homework and all your chores, and you can keep the phone.”
Lucas was nodding enthusiastically as his big brother spoke, and when he was done, he threw his arms around Ollie’s neck. If it wasn’t for Ronin steadying him, he would have ended up on his ass.
“I promise, Ollie. I promise I’ll be good.” With that, Ronin pulled the phone out of his pocket that they’d picked up on their way. It was already activated, and Ronin would pay the bills. Ronin handed the phone to Luc, and Ollie smiled up at him.
“Thank you, Ronin.” Luc gave Ronin a shy smile.
Ronin came over beside him and said, “You’re very welcome, Luc, and just know that you can come visit us anytime you want.”
Luc gave Ronin a megawatt smile, and Ollie was surprised when his brother not only threw himself into his arms, but wrapped an arm around Ronin’s neck too.
They finally helped Luc into the car, then Ollie belted him in and placed a kiss on the top of his head. “Love you, Lucky.”
“To the moon and back, Ollie.” His baby brother said, tears rolling down from his eyes.
When Ollie finally stepped back, it was into Ronin, and his arms slid around Ollie’s waist.
Mom rolled down her window and blew him a kiss, then to Ronin, she added, “Take care of our son.”
Ollie could see her eyes glistening with tears. He mouthed, “Love you,” to her, and she mouthed it back, just like she used to when she would drop h
im off at school.
Oliver stood in Ronin’s arms and waved as they drove away until they were out of sight. He felt himself turned around by his mate and immediately buried his face in Ronin’s chest.
“How are you doing?” Ro asked.
Oliver tilted his head to the side so he could meet Ronin’s eyes. “I’m happy, Ronin. You make me happy, so that’s all I need. But I’ll still miss them.”
Ronin’s arms around him tightened. “If you ever want to go see them, just say the word. We’ll make a road trip of it. Okay?”
Ollie nodded and released a sigh. As much as he would miss his parents, he knew in his heart that this was where he belonged.
Ronin reached down and took Oliver’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go.”
They walked over to where they’d parked earlier. When they got into the car, Ronin’s phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. “It’s Ryder.”
Ronin put the phone on speaker. “Hey, bro. What’s up? Got anything for me?”
“Not yet,” Ryder said. “But how about you come into the clinic and I can meet your mate, maybe do an ultrasound... I assume you’ve mated and knotted.”
Ollie’s face heated. There was something weird about hearing someone else—even a doctor—say you’d been having sex… or maybe because it was also Ronin’s brother.
Ronin chuckled. “Nice one, bro. You’ve got my mate red as a tomato.”
Ollie elbowed Ronin. “You didn’t have to tell him that.”
“I know, but it’s fun to tease you.” Ronin shot him a grin.
“As cute as this banter is, I have some catching up to do here. See y’all soon.” Ryder hung up, and Ronin looked at Ollie.
“Guess we have an ultrasound.”
“Guess we do.” Ollie put his hands on his very flat belly. Even though the idea of him having kids was one he just found out about, the thought of being pregnant filled him with so much happiness.
Chapter Seventeen
Ronin couldn’t take his eyes off the image on the screen. It was no more than the size of a little peanut, but since wolf pups only gestated for three months, even now he could actually see their little peanut.
“Wow,” Ollie gasped. His eyes met Ro’s and there was a wide grin on his face, even as tears rolled down his cheek.
“We’re having a baby,” Ollie whispered.
“We are.” Ronin lowered his head and kissed Ollie. His chest and throat were tight. It was such a weird feeling... he was both ecstatic and absolutely terrified. “I love you, baby,” he whispered, “So much.”
“I love you, too, Ronin.” Ollie kissed him again.
“Okay, lovebirds.” Ryder’s voice pulled them out of their moment. “Everything looks perfect guys. We’ll set up weekly exams, and here are some vitamins for you to take, Ollie, since you are a little underweight and a tad anemic.”
“Will that affect my baby?” His mate’s hand went to his belly even though the gel was still on it.
Ronin’s eyes went over to Ryder. “Will it?”
Ryder shook his head. “No, but we will have to watch your weight.” Ryder met Ronin’s eyes before going back to Ollie. “I’m pretty sure my brother will make sure to feed you.”
Ronin nodded and pecked Ollie. “Damn right I will. Even if you want ice cream, pickles, and marshmallows.”
“Marshmallows?” Ryder said, brow raised.
“Yeah, you never know” Ronin shrugged, then reached for the wipes Ryder had grabbed from a pack and was handing him so he could clean Ollie’s belly.
“I feel more like steak... ohh and mashed potatoes, and maybe beans, and gummy worms.” His mate’s eyes grew rounder with every word he spoke.
“Well, looks like you have your appetite in check. If you start getting morning sickness, let me know. We want you to gain weight, not lose it. Okay?” Ryder smiled at Oliver.
“Thank you, Ryder.” Ollie shot his brother a grateful look. “And it was so lovely to meet you.”
“You, too, Oliver, and welcome to the family.” Ryder went over to a printer and picked up the images he’d printed for them, then handed them to Oliver.
“Thanks, Ry.”
His brother nodded. “How about I give y’all a moment and let Oliver get dressed. I have other patients and I’ll see you later at the parents’ house.”
Ronin sighed. “I totally forgot.”
Ryder snorted, “Yeah right. You mean you’ve been avoiding.”
“You know Papa is going to do a lot.” Ronin sighed again.
“He’s happy. Let him have this moment to celebrate a new son and grandkid on the way. If you keep avoiding, you know he’ll show up at your house. I bet Dad had to physically restrain him to keep him away.” Ryder chuckled and snorted, clearly amusing himself.
Once they got home from the clinic, they showered quickly and got dressed—Ollie changing three times, wanting to find the perfect outfit to meet Ro’s parents in—then they left for the barbecue being thrown in their honor.
“Babe, you have nothing to worry about. My parents are going to love you,” Ro said on the short drive over, clasping his mate’s hand tighter. “You’ve already met my brothers, and they do.”
Ollie looked over at him, and Ro could smell the nervousness rolling off his mate.
“I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.” Ollie let out a breath. “I’ve never met anyone’s parents before.”
Before Ro had a chance to respond, he was already turning into the driveway.
“Ready, love?” Ro asked.
Ollie looked over and gave a small smile. He opened his mouth to reply, but a gentle tap on the passenger side window drew both their attention. Standing there with a giant smile on his face was Ro’s papa.
“I guess he couldn’t wait for us to knock on the door,” Ro said, shaking his head and chuckling.
As Ro got out of the car, he heard his mate’s door being opened and looked over to see Ollie being pulled into a big hug.
“I’m so glad to finally get to meet you, Oliver. I’m Ronin’s papa, Declan, but please call me Dec. Someone seems to have been keeping you away.” His papa looked over Ollie’s shoulder at him with a critical expression.
‘Hey! We’ve only been back for a few days, and Ollie’s parents were in town to visit,” Ro defended himself as he walked around the car.
Dec smiled and gave Ro a hug.
“I know, son. But I won’t pass up any opportunity to give you crap.”
Ollie let out a chuckle, and Ronin felt himself blush, so he took his mate’s hand and said, “Let’s head inside so you can meet my dad. At least he’ll be on my side.”
They walked up the steps and into the house, where Ryder was the first one to greet them.
“Long time no see, little brother,” Ryder said, then turned and shook Ollie’s hand.
“Dad, we’re here,” Ro called, and his alpha father came to the foyer from the kitchen.
“Ro,” his dad said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Please, introduce me to the man who has managed to make my wandering alpha son settle down.”
“Dad, I want you to meet my mate, Ollie.” Then, looking at Oliver, Ro said, “Babe, I’d like you to meet my alpha father, Cole.”
Ronin watched them shake hands, and then Devon appeared next to his mate, almost bouncing on his toes.
“I heard some good news. I’m so excited for you, Ollie.” Devon looked over at Ro and said, “Hey, Ronin. I’m gonna steal Ollie here so we can have some omega time.”
With that, Devon looped an arm through Ollie’s and began to lead him away, followed by his papa. He looked toward Ro before letting go of his hand. Ronin nodded for him to go ahead and kissed the top of his head, inhaling his scent. He knew that his little mate needed to talk with other omegas about his pregnancy and have all his questions answered. His papa was just the one to do that.
As the three of them walked off to the living room, Ro
heard his papa say, “So, Oliver. I hear you are going to be a papa yourself very soon and give me another grandchild.”
Ro chuckled, called out, “Have fun, babe,” and waved to Ollie, then went with his dad and Ryder out to the back porch where Rick was grilling.
When he got out there, he noticed River was missing and turned to Roman. “Where’s River? Will he be here soon? I didn’t think he’d miss a family function where he wasn’t the only Omega.”
Roman shook his head. “We haven’t heard from River for the last few days. You know how he is. One of us probably ruffled his feathers without realizing it and he has to cool down before he’ll show up again.”
Although Ro knew that was a possibility, he didn’t think so this time.
“You know, when we had the reunion for the omegas and Ollie’s family, I noticed him and Nix acting strangely when I introduced them.”
Rick and Ryder looked at one another, then Rick turned back to Ronin. “Let’s give it a few more days and see if he calls one of us. If not, Devon or Ollie can try calling him, and you can talk with your teammates and see if they’ve seen Phoenix.”
Ro’s dad, who had taken over the grill, announced that dinner was ready, so they each grabbed plates piled high with hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, and chicken and went inside to eat.
Chapter Eighteen
Ollie was in front of the TV binge-watching Leverage on Amazon when Ronin came in the room with a sandwich for him. He’d had breakfast like two hours ago at eight a.m., but he was hungry again.
“Thank you.” Ollie smiled up at his mate. It had been over two weeks now since the barbecue at Ronin’s parents, and things had never been better.
Ronin had barely let him out of his sight. If they weren’t together, he was with Devon, who, he realized, he had a lot in common with.
Since Devon was further along in his pregnancy, he wasn’t really leaving pack lands. As much as Wildwood was mostly owned by his new family, there were a lot of humans in town that didn’t know about them.