Home In His Arms (Wildwood Mates Book 1) Page 10
He let out a happy sigh. He hadn’t understood what being mated meant, but now he knew. It was being connected to someone else, knowing that they loved you—it might have seemed too soon for that to be the case, but Ollie felt it from Ronin, and he knew he was already falling for the alpha.
Ollie knew he would never be alone again. And he felt whole and complete for the first time in his life… which was crazy because he’d never known anything was missing.
Ollie twirled around like he saw people do in the movies. And why not? His life was feeling like he was in one. But then the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end—or maybe it was his wolf—because Ollie suddenly had a feeling that he wasn’t alone. He opened his eyes and turned to look off into the woods. Even though he couldn’t see anyone there, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.
“Ronin?” Ollie called out, even though he didn’t feel the presence was his mate any closer than before. But there was only silence. He waited a little longer, the feeling not wanting to vanish.
“Ronin?” Ollie called out again, louder this time.
It was then that he heard the rustling of leaves on the ground and he anxiously looked around the clearing. His heart started racing, and he nearly closed his eyes for fear something was going to attack him.
“Ollie, baby? Is everything okay?”
He turned around and saw Ronin there. He ran to his mate and put his arms around Ronin’s waist, hugging him tightly.
“It’s you!” Ollie couldn’t help the relieved tone of his voice.
His breathing calmed down as Ronin wrapped his arms around him, comforting him as no one else could.
“Of course it’s me,” he whispered against Oliver’s neck. “What’s wrong? I could feel your panic. You’re safe, love. No one is going to harm you. I promise you that.” Ronin’s tone was vehement, even as his arms tightened around Oliver. Just hearing that from his mate had a feeling of peace wrapping around Oliver like a blanket. It didn’t hurt that he was in his mate’s arms, and he knew Ronin would do everything to keep him safe. He pulled back from the embrace to find Ronin’s eyes scanning the whole backyard.
His mate’s worry was pouring of him, and Ollie decided not to tell him about the feeling he’d had moments before. He pasted on a smile, even though he couldn’t quite shake off being watched.
Ronin tilted his head, studying Ollie, a serious look on his face. “I can tell something’s wrong. What is it?”
He looked around like he was searching for whatever it was that was bothering Oliver.
Oliver grabbed onto Ronin’s hand, and then placed his finger on Ronin’s cheek so he could force Ronin to look at him. “It’s nothing. I think I’m just a bit jumpy. I guess my mind just went back to Anton being out there somewhere.”
Ronin smiled. “I swear to you I will never let that happen. You are mine now, and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. You know that, right?”
Oliver smiled and nodded, then went on his tiptoes and kissed Ronin. They stood in that spot and made out, and he focused on being safe with his mate, removing every thought of Anton from his mind.
Oliver liked hearing that they could get through anything together, and he believed Ronin when he said he would keep him safe. He slipped his tongue along Ronin’s, and his mate sighed and lifted him into his arms.
Ollie broke the kiss. “You like carrying me, don’t you?” His voice was teasing because he liked when Ronin lifted him.
“I do.” Ronin’s face was lit up in a wide grin. “You were made to be in my arms.”
Ollie sighed and his arms tightened around Ronin’s neck.
“Ready to see where I call home?” Ronin asked.
He nodded. Oliver couldn’t wait to get there. Ronin put him on his feet and they walked into the house, and then out the front to the waiting vehicles. Everyone else was already loaded into the van and truck waiting.
Ollie started to walk over to the truck he’d ridden in the day before, but Ronin stopped him. He held onto his hand, and Ollie looked up at him.
“Why don’t you ride with me.” Ronin nodded toward a car parked in front of the other vehicles in the circular drive.
Ollie looked over to the van and saw no one was paying him much attention, so he nodded eagerly. “I’d love that.”
“Good!” Ronin smiled. “Give me two seconds.”
Ronin headed over to the van to talk to Maddox first, but wasn’t there long before he came back to Ollie. Ro took his mate’s hand in his as they walked over to his car, and then he opened the door for Ollie to get in on the passenger side before walking round the front to the driver’s side. When Ronin joined Ollie in the car, he turned it on, and immediately the radio began playing Beyonce. Oliver chuckled and looked over to his mate, brow raised.
“What?” Ronin’s cheeks were pink. “I like Beyonce, but if you want, you can choose a song on the iPad.”
Ollie shook his head and chuckled, and instead of picking up the iPad that his mate pointed at to play something else, he just put on his seatbelt and started humming along to the song that was playing.
Ronin looked over at him, and Ollie saw him smile. “What?” Ollie asked.
Ronin shrugged. “You surprise me. That’s all.” He then backed out of the spot and they began their journey to Wildwood.
Ollie watched his mate out the corner of his eye as they drove, and every time their eyes met, Ronin would smile. Neither of them spoke much, but the silence between them wasn’t uncomfortable, although admittedly, he did send some thoughts Ronin’s way—mostly about the night before and how much he enjoyed it and wanted to do it again. Ollie enjoyed watching Ronin’s hands on the steering wheel tighten as he drove.
By the afternoon of the second day traveling since leaving Chesterfield, Ollie noticed the landscape began to change, going from plains and farm fields to thickening woods on a more rolling landscape.
They had made good time with the drive, only stopping late last night for a few hours at an empty campground to stretch and then sit by a small fire to rest. Ollie was glad for this so he could check on his friends. Jax was almost fully healed, and the more distance they put between themselves and their captivity had a positive effect on the others.
After a quick breakfast when the sun began to rise, the omegas all hugged, excitement building for the new start they were about to be given.
“Jax and the others seem to be doing better today,” Ronin commented after they had been on the road for a while, breaking the comfortable silence in the car.
“Yeah… I am glad we stopped and were able to spend time together. It was good to hear Sophie and Cybil laugh. I don’t think they have since I met them.”
Ollie glanced over to his mate to see him smiling, and then looked out the front windshield, only to be in awe of the breathtaking sight before him. Deep forests overtook the landscape, with towering mountains climbing to the sky as the late afternoon sun lowered toward the peaks.
“Is that where we are going?” Oliver asked
“Yes, it is. This is going to be your new home.” Ro announced proudly.
A short time later, they entered a town with a mix of new and old buildings, many of which appeared to be under renovation.
“Rome owns the construction company handling most of the repairs being made,” Ro told Ollie as they slowly made their way through the quaint downtown area. “I’ve helped when they needed an extra set of hands.”
Oliver was speechless as the realization set in that this was going to be his new home. His thoughts were interrupted when his alpha tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to look over.
Pointing to a building that had a sign with only the B and R lit, Ro said, “That’s where Rome met Devon, but I’m sure you’ll hear all about it once we arrive.” Then, more to himself and with a chuckle, he added, “Rome was supposed to fix that sign by now. Guess he forgot in his newly mated bliss.”
Once they had passed through the town, Ro ma
de a turn down a lane that cut through the forest until it entered a large, cleared area that appeared to Ollie to be more of a major city suburb than belonging in the middle of the woods.
“Where’s everyone else going?” Oliver frowned in confusion as Ronin pulled down a side road, but everyone else went straight on.
“My brother, Rick, worked yesterday on getting host families set up for the rest of the omegas,” his mate explained. “Rick knew that they would need a temporary place to stay while everything got sorted out, so he made sure everyone had a welcoming place to stay.” Ronin glanced his way briefly before facing the road again. “Zander and Maddox are going to drive the omegas to their temporary homes.”
Ollie considered that for a moment before Ronin turned into a driveway, then he turned to Ronin. “What about me?” he asked. “Will I get a host family?”
Ronin shook his head. “Not unless you want one, but I thought maybe you’d prefer staying with me. But only if you want...” For the first time since he’d met his alpha, Ro looked unsure. “That’s okay, isn’t it?”
Oliver smiled. He was happy that Ronin said that because the thought of being away from his mate made his stomach twist in the worst way.
“That’s perfect,” Ollie said.
Ronin beamed at him. Apparently he’d heard in his mind how much Ollie didn’t want to be away from him.
His cheeks heated, but Ollie wasn’t really embarrassed. Still, he changed the subject as he looked out the window to the house they were parked in front of. “This is your home?”
Ronin nodded. “Let’s get out and I’ll show you around. But don’t worry, anything you don’t like we can change. Roman may be the one that owns the construction company, but I also know my way around a hammer.”
Before Ollie could reply, Ronin opened the car door and got out. He came around and opened Ollie’s door, too, then held a hand out for him.
They stood in the driveway and stared up at the house. Well, Ollie stared, and he could feel Ronin’s eyes on him.
“If it’s not comfortable, we can change anything you want. I really want… I hope you feel at home here.”
Ollie couldn't help looking over at Ronin to find the alpha biting his lips, eyes on him.
Oliver had a feeling he would love it here. He didn't know why, but he already felt at home. Plus, after spending the previous two nights together, he was certain that he would feel lost without Ronin. The alpha already meant more to him than he could have ever imagined.
Oliver was led up the steps to the front door, all the while looking around at the other houses close to them. Though the ones he could see were of varying sizes, they were all well maintained and seemed to be middle to upper-middle-class dwellings, each with a fenced-in yard. The landscaping blended nicely with the surrounding forest to give both Ollie and his wolf the peaceful feeling of home.
Ollie let out a gasp as he was suddenly lifted off his feet and into Ronin's arms. When he met Ronin’s gaze, the alpha looked abashed. “I know in human custom, you carry your spouse over the threshold…”
Ollie’s eyes widened, but then he couldn’t help grinning as he leaned in and placed a kiss on Ronin’s cheek. All the while he was squeeing on the inside.
When they walked into the house, Ollie looked around and was totally surprised to see the house was beautifully decorated.
Not only that, there was a huge banner that said congratulations.
“I guess my brothers and my papa have been in here.” Ronin chuckled as he put Ollie on his feet.
“Feel free to look around; it’s your place now too.”
At Ronin’s words, Ollie turned to look at the alpha, whose eyes were wide as if he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“I mean, it’s where you’re staying... for now, like, until we figure out stuff… parents’ phone and... stuff.”
Ollie couldn’t help smiling. He actually kind of liked a flustered Ronin because he saw the man as just so unshakeable.
“I can get you some things to wear until we’re able to go into town—or online—and buy a few necessities. I know that Anton didn’t really give you many luxuries.”
“That’s an understatement.” Oliver shook his head, but managed to chuckle. “One thing I’m really looking forward to is a long, hot shower. That is, if you’re alright with that.”
Ronin laughed. “Of course! You don’t even have to ask.”
Standing there with Ronin, Ollie was hit with a sense of homecoming, like he was enveloped in a warm hug. It felt all too surreal and nearly brought him to his knees. He hurriedly flicked a tear away before Ronin could see it, but it was too late because Ronin had already looked in his direction.
“Are you crying?” Ronin asked, pulling Ollie into his arms. “Is everything alright? I don’t want to push you in anyway, so please stop me if I’m making you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry.” Ollie sniffed. He couldn’t help it, and Ronin probably thought he was crazy for apologizing, but Oliver looked up at him and smiled. “It may not seem like it,” he said, “but they’re happy tears. I promise.”
He continued to look at Ronin, but the alpha didn’t look convinced.
Ollie put his head on Ronin’s chest. “I’m fine. I swear,” Ollie sighed.
He looked around, a feeling of longing lodged in his chest. He wondered what his parents were doing in that particular moment. He couldn’t help heaving a sigh. He needed to call them.
“Do you have a phone I can use?” He leaned back so he could meet Ronin’s gaze.
Ronin nodded and dug his phone from his pocket and handed it to Ollie. There were no inquiries or questions as to whom Oliver wanted to call. He simply handed the phone over.
Oliver didn’t even ask, but Ronin dismissed himself.
“I’ll give you some time to be alone. If you want to sit down, you can go into the living room.” He motioned to a room just off the foyer, and Oliver nodded.
“Thank you,” Ollie said, and headed into the living room and took a seat on the couch. He had been waiting for the day he could call his parents, but he never thought the day would come. Anton had kept such a tight grip on them all that it was nearly impossible to get two steps away from him without him knowing you were up to something. It was part of the reason Oliver questioned if maybe Anton had allowed Devon to escape. It was a silly notion, but one that Oliver played around with sometimes.
Ollie took a deep breath and dialed his parents’ number. Pick up, pick up, pick up. He wanted them to answer, desperately, so he could just hear their voices. Instead, it went to his mother’s voicemail. “Hello, you have reached Vivian. Leave your name and number after the beep, and I’ll be sure to call you back. Have a great day.”
The voicemail seemed like it was just any other day. Oliver felt a thud in his chest. Did that mean they didn’t miss him? Shut up, Ollie… they love you. They miss you. He disconnected the call without leaving a message. It wasn’t exactly something he thought would go over well as a voicemail. He would have to try later.
Ollie got up and walked out of the living room. He attempted to put a brave smile on his face, but Ronin saw right through that. “They didn’t answer?” he asked.
Ollie glanced at him his eyes wide. “Who?”
Ronin chuckled. “You still don’t understand this connection, do you?” He smiled. “Your parents. You called them, right?”
“Oh yeah.” Oliver smiled sheepishly. “I guess it’s going to take some getting used to.”
“We have all the time in the world,” Ronin replied, a reassuring smile on his face.
Oliver nodded then sighed. “And no… they didn’t answer.” He shrugged, pretending it didn’t really matter to him one way or the other. “It’s fine. I’ll just try calling them back later. For now… I’d love to grab a shower.”
“I’ll lead you to it, then.” Ronin came around to him and held his hand out. They headed up the stairs, and he led Oliver down a long, wide hallway. He stopped
at a room and motioned with his finger for Oliver to enter first.
As he stepped through the doorway, Ollie was immediately drawn to the open floor-to ceiling windows which looked out to the forest along the back border of the property. Sheer curtains were blowing in the breeze, and the blinds had been pulled up to give an unobstructed view of the woods, which had his wolf yipping in excitement. Ollie pulled his attention away from the windows and took in the rest of the bedroom.
“This is amazing!” Ollie said in awe, and when he looked over to his mate behind him, it was to see Ro blushing.
Although the room was contemporary in all that it held, Ollie knew that none of the things came from Target. A sleek, king-sized platform bed took center stage against one wall, with matching end tables and lamps on either side. A dresser from the same set was on the opposite wall, and a comfy chair was positioned in the corner with a small bookshelf on one side and a full window view on the other.
“Is this your room?” Ollie asked.
Ronin shot him a mock-chastising glance. “Don’t get any ideas. You’re here for a shower.” He winked at Oliver who felt his whole face turned red.
“I really didn’t mean anything… I was just… wondering.” Ollie felt like he needed to explain, but Ronin just laughed at his explanation.
“It’s really alright, Ollie. I’m only teasing.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against Oliver’s. Oliver fell against him and Ronin smiled.
“Once you’re done in the shower, we’ll see about ordering you some stuff. But for now...” Ronin stepped away and went to a dresser drawer. He opened it and pulled out a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt, and then walked over to Oliver and handed them to him.
“Thank you,” Oliver said.
Ronin nodded. “Don’t want you having to get back into the same clothes you’ve been wearing. Come on. I’ll show you the shower.”