Undercover Omega: A Non-Shifter Mpreg Romance (Billionaire Alphas Book 2)
Undercover Omega
Billionaire Alphas Book 2
Skye R. Richmond
1. Grayson
2. Riley
3. Grayson
4. Riley
5. Grayson
6. Riley
7. Grayson
8. Riley
9. Grayson
10. Riley
11. Grayson
12. Grayson
13. Riley
14. Grayson
15. Riley
16. Grayson
17. Riley
18. Grayson
19. Riley
20. Grayson
21. Grayson
22. Riley
23. Grayson
24. Riley
25. Riley
26. Grayson
27. Riley
28. Riley
29. Grayson
30. Riley
31. Grayson
32. Grayson
33. Riley
34. Grayson
35. Grayson & Riley
Thanks for reading
Also By Skye R. Richmond
Writing As Rheland Richmond
About the Author
Copyright © 2019 by Skye R. Richmond
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events or locations.
All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.”
Cover Art: Cosmic Letterz
Edited by Ann Attwood Editing and Proofreading Service
Proofreading : Theresa Preston
Sign up for Skye’s newsletter for exclusive content and to learn more about her latest books: http://eepurl.com/dL8CQ2
Created with Vellum
For Del
Thanks for being the best friend a girl could ever ask for. Your constant support and believe in me is a gift I never take for granted.
For always pushing me to be the best version of me I could be.
Love you.
Riley knew if he was caught, he would be slammed with the biggest restraining order ever, but his heart didn’t seem to heed the warning. He couldn’t stay away. He couldn’t bring himself to stay away from this child. And who could blame him?
He probably looked like some sort of lurker standing there with his hands wedged in the pocket of his jeans, watching as the toddler with the blond hair so light it looked like spun gold, playing in the sandbox. All his instincts were screaming at him to pick up the child and run. But he couldn’t, because even though his body, his heart, his soul saw the child as his, by law he wasn’t.
Thanks to the life-altering decision he’d let his parents make for him, or rather talk him into making four years ago.
Riley looked at the men and women playing with their kids in the park. He took them in, the way they were gathered together chatting while keeping an eye on their children. He figured some were parents and some nannies. He imagined them swapping ideas about childcare, or whatever it was they spoke about while their kids played, and he couldn’t help the sliver of jealousy that crawled up his spine.
He would do anything to be one of those people, if it meant spending time with the beautiful blond-haired child he had birthed, but only got to hold for five minutes.
Riley knew the older lady sitting by herself, knitting was the one accompanying his son. His heart clenched. His son, a son he could never claim, because he was too weak to confront his parents. He didn’t want to disappoint them, so he had done what he always did. He been the good child and done what they suggested.
He should have run, or stood up for himself and maybe he wouldn’t have had to give up his baby. But that line of thought was nothing new. In fact, since the day he had left the hospital, empty-armed, his child home with someone else, he’d had so many thoughts and all of them showed him how much of a coward he was. If he had just said something, done anything. That beautiful child he had carried would know who he was. But instead, he would never see those crystal-clear blue eyes light up with joy when he walked into a room, or hear his son say, “daddy,” as he ran to give him a hug after a day at school.
No, he’d given up the right to all that to please his parents. He knew they loved him, and prior to him getting pregnant, Riley was the child every parent used as the standard. His parents were proud to be the parents of the kid that everyone asked their children, “Why can’t you be like Riley Sinclair? Why can't you be as smart as Riley Sinclair, as well behaved as Riley Sinclair?”
Riley knew his parents made their decision because they thought that was best for him, and maybe a little because they didn’t want anyone to know that their perfect child had gotten pregnant with no alpha in sight. Not that it had been an immaculate conception. But the older alpha he’d been seeing in secret, his one rebellion, had suddenly disappeared without a trace when Riley mentioned he was pregnant and wanted to keep it.
Yet for the first time in four years, Riley had a chance to make things right. He had a chance to be in his child’s life even though it wasn’t the way he wanted. Riley was desperate. He would do anything, even go in as the nanny, to make sure he got to know the child who meant the world to him.
Tracking down his baby hadn’t been an easy task. His parents had done a closed adoption, and the identities of the couple who adopted his son weren’t as easy to track down as Riley had thought. But now, after almost eight months of searching, he had located his baby.
And somehow, someone out there must be looking out for him, because his, not so stalking–stalking, had led to him finding out that the alpha father who adopted his son, Grayson Montgomery-Carmichael––even his name sounded wealthy––was looking for a nanny.
And if it was the last thing he did, he was going to become his son’s nanny.
This was not good.
How hard could it be to find a nanny who didn’t make him feel like he would need twenty-four-hour surveillance to leave his son with them?
Grayson was frustrated. He was frustrated because the nanny who had been with them since Max was a baby, finally found his alpha and had moved to another city. Grayson had tried throwing money at the problem, by offering to hire Milo’s alpha at one of his companies to keep them in the city. But not even the obscene salary had stopped the alpha from returning to his hometown after his contract in the city ended.
He hadn’t wanted to lose Milo, because prior to hiring him Gray had gone through two nannies in a short time frame. The worst part was they took better care of Max than his omega father ever had. But that wasn’t saying much.
Just my bloody luck.
Grayson had grown up in wealth and privilege, it wasn’t often that he didn’t get what he wanted. Until now.
He looked out the floor to ceiling windows in his office, hands folded across his chest, watching the late afternoon traffic crawl along.
nbsp; It was a Saturday and he was at the office, which already had him in a foul mood as he would rather spend the day with Max. As a single father, his weekends were sacred, but Grayson refused to invite strangers into his home––even potential nannies––until he was sure that he wanted them around his child.
“So, what did you think of that last one?” Elliot, his longtime personal assistant and friend asked him. He sat at the table sorting through the applications and taking notes on the nanny candidates they had seen that afternoon.
“He looked like he could barely take care of himself. I wouldn’t trust him to watch a goldfish, let alone my son.”
Like every candidate he had interviewed so far, the last applicant was wrong, all wrong. Grayson wasn’t asking for too much. All he wanted was someone that… a voice he didn’t like hearing chimed in, you mean someone who will love Max, enough that you feel less guilty that his omega father strapped him into the backseat of a car when he was only eighteen-months-old and drove three miles before wrapping the car around a tree, killing himself in the process and leaving Max crying for Lord knows how long before the accident was stumbled upon. Or the fact that you knew better than to leave Max with Dakota, but you did anyway.
Someone who doesn’t drink vodka like it’s apple juice and thinks Vicodin is a party favor?
Grayson shut those thoughts down quick. He wasn’t going to think about Dakota. He was gone and that chapter of his life was closed.
The first applicant of the day had come into his office and had begun flirting with Grayson. The omega had behaved like he was there for an interview to find an alpha. Not to work as a nanny.
Grayson knew that people expected him to find another omega. Every time he showed up at some function or another, people felt the need to point out that if he got remarried, then his son would have a papa.
But Grayson was never going down that road again. He was done. He’d paid his dues to his family. Done the right thing. Married the ‘right kind’ of omega. And all that had gotten him was four miserable years, with a man he should never have even gotten married to in the first place.
Grayson was done.
Liar! A small voice whispered you know you want, what Nic has with Jai.
Before Grayson could begin an argument with his subconscious, Elliot interrupted his thinking, “We still have one candidate to go today. Maybe it’ll be a case of good things coming to those who wait… Or saving the best for last,” Elliot snorted, trying for humor, or something close to it in any case.
“I’m not holding my breath,” Grayson muttered, “but if this one doesn’t work out, find a new service, because clearly, this one is useless.”
“Right,” Elliot said, before making a note on the notepad he was rarely seen without. Elliot was not just his assistant, he was also a friend from childhood, his parents’ housekeeper’s son. They had grown up together, Elliot's omega papa, Caleb, raising Grayson more than his papa ever had.
“So, this last one?” Grayson prompted, even though he was holding his breath that this one would be any better than the rest.
“I think you’re going to like this next one,” Elliot said.
“And why is that?” Grayson asked.
“Well, he just finished nursing school.” Elliot handed Grayson the file containing the resumé.
“A nurse,” Grayson asked skeptically, “Why would a nurse want this job?”
“Well, you pay better than most hospitals,” Elliot deadpanned.
Grayson conceded that fact. He was willing to pay more to make sure he left Max in the best care possible.
“You’re right,” Grayson replied, opening the file, Riley Sinclair, twenty-one. He had just graduated from college with a degree in nursing. Top of his class, too.
“Finally, well okay, this one makes sense,” Grayson conceded, still not wanting to get too excited, because a resumé was one thing, but the person still had to be right, or all the credentials in the world didn’t matter. Although he kept that to himself.
“Right, I think this may be a winner,” Elliot shared.
“He’s a little young, but the nursing degree helps,” Grayson said, thinking out loud.
“According to the background check here, no record. And he is willing to sign on for at least two years,” Elliot told him.
“On paper, he looks perfect.” However, Grayson knew sometimes that could be deceiving too.
“You ready to meet him?” Elliot asked, “He’s waiting in the conference room.”
“Yeah, bring him in,” Grayson said, feeling hopeful since Milo had upped and left with his alpha, leaving Grayson and Max to figure it out.
Elliot stood and left the room, but returned pretty quickly. His best friend walked in first, so it took a moment for Grayson to see the omega behind him. Once he got a look at the omega, immediately Grayson knew he was different from all the others he’d met so far.
He was dressed in plain fitted pants, with a plain white shirt. There was no overabundance of cologne or perfume, as had been the case through the day with the other applicants. Like a perfume bath would sway Grayson, he couldn’t help but think derisively.
The omega before him was average height, slim, there was nothing that stood out about him, and Grayson would have continued with the average description until he got to the omega’s face. His face was anything but unexceptional.
His eyes were a pure amber, too pale to be considered hazel. They almost looked hazel, Grayson thought, his mind trying to pinpoint the right color, but failing to do it justice. The omega’s mouth was wide, with full lips and near-perfect skin, although Grayson could see where some zits from his teenage years might have been.
One thing was immediately clear to him, this wasn’t an omega on the prowl. There was nothing that screamed, “look at me”. The omega didn’t even try and use any of his––Grayson had to admit––lovely features. Grayson had a hard time imagining anyone saying no when those lovely eyes were turned on them. He knew that if it was him… before he could complete that decidedly inappropriate thought, he was interrupted by Elliot introducing the omega.
“Mr. Sinclair,” Elliot said, interrupting Grayson’s perusal, that he couldn’t help but pray hadn’t gone on too long, “This is Grayson Montgomery-Carmichael.”
“Now there’s a mouthful,” Grayson deadpanned, making Elliot look at him funny, since that was the same way Elliot had introduced Grayson to all the previous interviewees.
Grayson shook himself out of whatever it was that had come over him. “Please take a seat,” he said, gesturing to a chair.
Riley sat, and placed the messenger bag on his lap, then folded his hands over the bag. Grayson observed silently as Elliot started the interview with the questions they had asked every applicant.
The omega answered each one in a pleasant confident voice. Although, Grayson noticed that the young man kept glancing in his direction between answers, like he was making sure Grayson was listening.
Unlike some of the other applicants, there was no giggling at him, or looking at Grayson in what he assumed was supposed to flirting or smoldering, he wasn’t even sure. There were no innuendos or suggestiveness. Whenever he mistakenly caught Grayson’s gaze, he immediately looked away, almost like he was nervous.
“If you’re hired, how soon can you start?” Elliot asked.
“As soon as I’m needed,” The omega answered.
“And you’re fine with the position being live-in?” Elliot continued, “You will be responsible for Max 24/7.”
“That’s no problem,” The omega replied.
“Not quite 24/7,” Grayson interrupted, “I like to spend whatever time I have at home with Max, so you will have those times to yourself. Although, you will be on call. You will also have to be flexible with your weekends. I try not to work Saturday and Sunday, but sometimes situations arise.”
“I understand, that’s all fine with me,” the omega nodded.
“I have to ask, why would you take a jo
b as a nanny when you just graduated from nursing school? You could go work in a hospital,” Grayson pointed out.
“I love working with kids,” Riley replied, with a small shy smile. “I thought about becoming a teacher, but getting attached to kids and then seeing them leave after a year seemed like a bad idea for me,” the omega laughed softly. “Nursing seemed like a good idea, and while I was waiting to get a job at a hospital, a friend told me about this job. And the fact that it’s live-in will be very helpful.”
“Why is that?” Grayson asked with raised eyebrows.
“I just finished school, and my accommodation was from my university. I have student loans, and if I don’t have to pay rent I can pay them back quicker,” the omega admitted.
Grayson looked at Elliot and the look on his face asked, “what do you think?”
So far there were no red flags, and for some reason, there was something familiar about the omega. All his senses were saying he was the right one, but Grayson knew that he couldn’t hire anyone without having them meet Max first.
“Are you free to meet my son?” Grayson asked.
“Yes,” The omega replied without pause.
“Wouldn’t you like to know when?” Grayson replied, amused at the quick response. The omega blushed and answered, “I mean when?”
“Are you free right now?” Grayson enquired.